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Speech Therapy


   AT THE 


The Speech Spot's
Steps to Success!


Identifying a concern 

The first step starts with you!  Identifying a need and seeking early intervention is the key to unlocking your child's full potential in the shortest amount of time. 


Initial Screening and Evaluation 

Contact The Speech Spot to set up an initial evaluation.  We use a variety of diagnostic tools to develop a complete assessment of your childs current abilities. 



Once the evaluation is complete you and your therapist will review the results. A Strategic Plan of Action (SPA) will be created in order to individualize your therapy sessions, set goals and to measure progress. 

Therapy Plan of Action



Watch, look, and listen as your child's speech blossoms! For families and therapists this is the most gratifying step of therapy! 

Initial Evaluation 


An initial evaluation is designed for clients who have not yet been seen by a speech language pathologist.  Clients with previous or current evaluations within the last calendar year may be eligible to start treatment immediately. 


Evaluation - What to Expect

 We believe that a complete understanding of a child's ability and areas of focus is key to providing effective therapy.  An initial evaluation typically takes about 1 hour and will include informal and formal observations of receptive and expressive language, oral speech and communication.  We will also complete a full review of current medical or educational diagnosis, therapy records as well as our parent questionnaire.  All results are shared with parents and if therapy is recommended we will begin collaborating on a Strategic Plan of Action (SPA).


Therapy Plan of Action

Each child is unique and we believe that each plan for therapy should be tailored to the needs of the individual.  We work closely with the parent and child to develop realistic and achievable goals over a given time period.  We employ a variety of auditory, visual and kinesthetic tools to keep your child engaged and happy.


Other Services:

 Onsite Screenings: The Speech Spot can offer one day or ongoing screening services for private schools, daycare centers, parent groups or pediatrician offices.  Our screening process offers an abbreviated version of a full evaluation to determine if a child is performing at age appropriate levels.  If your school or office is interested in providing on-site consultations to parents please call us today!

Private School Partnerships: We work with several elementary schools in the area to provide additional outlets to educators and parents looking for in-school therapy.  We provide an external resources to on-call specialized therapists on a hourly, daily or weekly basis depending upon the schools need.

Second Opinion Evaluation: Parents are the best advocate for their children's needs and should always seek out additional guidance if they believe there is cause for concern.  There are a variety of speech and language methods available to therapists to identify and focus on a specific area of a childs development.  The Speech Spot will provide an outside and professional opinion for any parental concerns. 


Contact us to schedule your child's evaluation today!


Speech Therapy Plan


What insurance plans do you accept?

How long will my child's speech session be? 

What should I be doing as a parent?

We are currently out of network with all insurance providers. We are happy to assist you with the out of network reimbursement process your insurance provider may offer. We are knowledgeable about this process and aim to make it easy for you to get our services covered when possible. 

Typically, sessions are 30-45 minutes depending on the child's age and needs.  Each session will end with a discussion regarding how the session went, home practice ideas, and answer any questions.  

How long will my child need speech services? 

What will the cost be for my child to receive speech services? 

This is a challenging question to answer as each child and family situation is unique and we don't have a crystal ball! Each child responds differently to therapy and depending on the speech and language errors present, severity of the impairment, and other risk factors present, the duration of therapy changes with each child. Most spend 9 months to a year in therapy to remediate speech and/or language errors that are considered mild (1-2 sound errors present). Longer time in therapy is recommended for more moderate to severe speech and language impairments. However, this changes with each child as they are always growing, developing, and changing. As you work with your child's therapist goals and targets will likely change or evolve as the child progresses in his/her skills.

The Spot's pricing depends on what services you are seeking for your child.  We offer billing per session or on a monthly basis. Please call to inquire more about pricing.

Do you provide group therapy? 

We do offer some limited group sessions. Our staff would be happy to discuss our current group offerings with you. 

What are your office hours?

Our office hours our M-F by appointment only and some Saturday availability by appointment only. 


A parents active involvement in their childs speech development is a great benefit. We provide feedback following each session.  We offer tools and suggestions for home treatment to accellerate the therapy process and reinforce proper techniques.

At what age should I seek help for my child?

We work with children from birth to high school.  Please check out our Blog post on age appropriate milestones and when to seek an evaluation for more information or What to expect at an initial evaluation for more info.

My child came home with a initial screening form suggesting a follow up, what should I do next?

Initial screenings are designed to quickly identify if speech therapy MAY be needed.  Please call to follow up with the therapist that performed the evaluation.  In most cases a complete evaluation is suggested to further review and determine if any therapy is needed.



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